*Product Review: Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express
Waterproof Mascara - in Glam Black
Speaking of a thrifty thrill, I found this product at my local drugstore. I figured I needed a waterproof lash paint for my fun-in-the-sun vacation, and grabbed this because I had a coupon. For $7.99 (less my $1 off coupon), this stuff worked like a dream. Through rain, salt water, chlorinated sludge, and heavy petting, this glue didn’t budge an inch. It’s remarkable! Nothing moves this pup. NOTHING! The down side: that nothing includes cleanser. Very aggressive application of eye make-up remover or Albolene will do the trick … eventually… but it’s no joke. You put it on, and you better be in for the long haul. Granted, that probably doesn’t bode well for the health of your lashes, in the long-run. It does lengthen, define, and separate as well as my conventional favorites, but it’s definitely not for everyday usage (at least if you wanna have lashes at the end of those everydays). BUT, for those special occasions that call for an indelible wink, it works wonders. It’s definitely something to have in your arsenal … 4 Stars.
Maybelline Volum' Express The Colossal Mascara - Glam Black
Sounds great! I know I am always looking for a long-wearing smudge proof volumizing mascara. :)
Smudge proof? We're talkin' Armageddon proof! Good luck, girlie. Hope you like it.