Your hair makes up a good 60% of your attractiveness. Ever notice how, if your hair looks great, you hardly need any makeup at all? Conversely, if your hair just won’t cooperate, sometimes you can compensate with massive quantities of face paint, but much of the time … you ain’t never gonna look right. Not to mention all the people (and models) who seem absolutely gorgeous at first glance, but when you seriously dissect the situation and look closely at their faces, really aren’t all that good-looking at all. Furthermore, I dare say the first thing a man notices about a woman is her hair.
When your hair is done, an application of lip color (alone) should instantly improve your appearance. If your hair's looking good, a swipe of lip color on a bare face should immediately improve your look and compliment your tone and coloring. If it doesn’t, it’s not the right color for you. Now, I’m not suggesting you should stop there. You really should complete the makeup job, but it’s just a way I’ve figured out of assessing whether or not I’ve picked the right lip shade. I tell ya, it's a totally handy trick.
The human eye (namely YOURS) is NOT a reliable gage of your true weight. Try watching yourself on film and prepare to be pleasantly surprised, horrified, shocked, and/or amazed. Whatever the case, it surely won’t be what you expected.
Those who age gracefully are generally fulfilled folks. Those constantly chasing youth are quite the opposite. People who accept each line, wrinkle, and gray hair as just another milestone on their journey are those who have accomplished many a great thing. They tend to look at each stage as an exciting new step along the way. Those who dread each birthday, and frantically chase every empty-promising anti-aging product, are those who feel unfulfilled. Every minute and day that ticks by is a reminder of things left undone and the reality that it may be too late to ever achieve those goals.
I deplore the expression “black don’t crack”. It makes you feel even more pathetic when it fails to be true for you.
And there you have it! A few of the things I think I may possibly know "for sure". Deep, huh?
*Product Review: Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash Cream Cleanser
Well, not only am I one of those lucky “youth-chasing” -- I admit it -- gals with lines, I am also prone to breakouts. Thank you, gods, for that rather cruel trick of nature. A few months ago, I came across a beauty article recommending the Neutrogena Oil Fee Acne Wash Redness Soothing Cream Cleanser for just such sad souls. I picked up the 6 oz. tube at some random drugstore or another for around $7.99, I think. You can also find it at and Ulta. Anywhere, really. Well, I tried it and really liked the refreshing tingle and appearance of acne reduction. It wasn’t a miracle, but it did seem to help (the pimples, NOT the aging). I dont' know why, but when it came time to replace, I purchased the same cleanser in the Pink Grapefruit variety. It seemed to do the same things, have the same minty tingle, but with an invigorating citrus scent. Since I use Cetaphil at night, and the Neutrogena in the morning, this little grapefruity boost was quite appealing. I’m not sure I could really recognize the difference, in terms of performance. Both varieties appear to be fairly interchangeable. They both tingle and give a nice creamy clean, without any residue or oil. Even the ingredients look quite similar. Anyway, not being sure that this cleanser was really the acne-cure it promised to be, I didn’t replace it when the pink grapefruit ran out. I merely upped the Cetaphil to twice a day. Well, I’m a week or so out and breaking out like crazy! Yeah, I’ll be heading back to the drugstore as soon as I can find a second to spare. Lines are embarrassing enough without those big ol’ zits highlighting them. Sometimes it’s not until you STOP using something that you appreciate how great it is. For the fair price, accessibility, welcomed morning pep-up, and its acne-abating properties … 4 Stars.
NEUTROGENA®Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink GrapefruitCream Cleanser
Neutrogena Oil-free Redness Soothing Cream Cleanser
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, For all skin types, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 2)