*Product Review: Weleda Skin Food
This is one of those “green” products that hails from that good for you/good for the environment company, Weleda. The uber-thick cream is intended for anywhere you have “dry and rough skin”, but I have found it to be the saving grace for my face. Never did I imagine, in my younger years, that I would put such a heavy product on my face. I used to have the oiliest, shiniest nose EVER! But, as I get older, I’m drying out like the Sahara. Good times! About a year ago, I tried countless products and NOTHING seemed to keep my face moisturized for more that a few hours. If I found something half-way decent, it would break me out something fierce (I break out if you even look at me the wrong way). Weleda’s Skin Food has been the answer for me: lasting moisture, multitasking, all natural, and non-blemish-causing. Of course, like most things not likely to cause you cancer, this line of products is on the expensive side. You can find most of their line at virtually any health food store, but now even Target carries the Skin Food at a more affordable $17.49 for 2.5 oz. This multi-purpose poultice is well worth the price, though. I use it, not only on my face day and night, but on my hands as well. I have to admit that I haven’t traditionally liked wearing hand lotion to bed, as I touch my face a lot and it breaks me out. However, if the cream on my hands is already on my face … voila! Problem solved. 10 points for that handiness. Good for my body, great for my face, green for the Earth … 4¾ Stars.
Weleda Skin Food - 2.5 oz.
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