*Product Review: Sumbody Wholesum Bath Milk
Alright, well after the “body firming" Coffee Butter incident, I think Sumbody needs a chance to redeem itself. They really are quite a good company, with lots of wonderfully natural products. (My only gripe is that those products are insanely expensive, but … whatever.) The point is, I applaud what they are trying to do. A perfect example: the Wholesum Bath Milk. Oh my GOD, is this stuff amazing! Brace yourself, it’s pricey … $29.95 for an 11 oz. jar. However, I was a lucky, lucky girl and got it on clearance for $19.95 at skinbotanika.com. Unfortunately, they’re now selling it for $32, so http://sumbody.com/ is your better bet. (If you don’t care about the nifty glass jar, you can get it a little cheaper.) It’s a powdery blend of just about every skin-softening milk product you can imagine. You apply a few tablespoons to your evening bath and soak to your heart’s content. Now, someone I hold near and dear (who shall remain nameless) claims that I suffer from a chronic condition he “lovingly” calls … monkey paw. Yes, it is true. Though every other part of me is fairly soft for my over usage of lotions and potions, my hands remain tougher than a hike up Mount Kilimanjaro. What can I say? I’m a real woman, I work with my hands. Well, I assure you, this milk bath does what no other “softening” product has ever been able to. When I emerge from my milky bliss, my hands are so silky soft I just wanna cry. And they stay that way for days! My mother and girlfriend also swear by this dairy delight. OK, at first, I didn’t know whether or not I appreciated the yogurty fragrance, but I’ve actually come to look forward to it. Today I truly mourn the finale of my first of two bottles I bought on clearance. What’s more, I know the day is near when my last bottle of cheaply-acquired milk stuff will too be at an end. The question remains: Will I shell out $29.95 for the real deal? That is yet to be seen, but for the pleasure of today … with my dessert-scented candle and my philosophy cinnamon buns shower gel and lotion, this stuff is a recipe for a heavenly decadent bath time indulgence … 5 Stars.
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