I’m a musical theatre performer by trade. (And yes, people make a living doing such things. Where do you think all the money you spent on that pricey Wicked ticket went, charity?) Though my choice of profession has afforded me many exceptional opportunities, I can’t help but wonder if an alternate career path may have been better suited to my “talents”. What I’m trying to say is … I’d make a freakin’ fantastic Home Shopping Network model! Imagine getting paid to try on sexy lingerie and silky beauty products all day, then getting a nifty discount to purchase them. How fabulous is that?! And I’ve modeled before. Runway, in fact. Sure ... it was a Weekenders convention, but attended by thousands none-the-less. I’m not too shy to say that I rocked that meeting-cafe-tori-ballroom; I was quite stunning. Dallas will never forget me. My point: I CAN DO THIS JOB. Other dream jobs include: HSN, QVC, or Sephora Buyer; Beauty Editor for a major magazine; or Product Development for a major cosmetic or lingerie company. Sure, when it comes to the later occupations, it is true that I have no formal training that would in any way indicate my preparedness for said jobs … but then again, I got my degree in Philosophy and now sing and dance for a living. Clearly I can adapt.
*Product Review: philosophy fresh cream body butter
Speaking of philosophy … I was lucky enough to get the 7 oz. fresh cream body butter for $18 (reg. $25) on clearance a philosophy.com. Too bad for you, it’s no longer available there. This product is tough to find, but http://qvc.com/ has it in a combo with the 16 oz. shower gel (Item #A93105) for $36. (I’m actually looking forward to trying that.) Truth be told, I wasn’t actually brave enough to buy this until it went on sale. The name, fresh cream, initially turned me off, as I don’t particularly wanna smell like freshly-squeezed cow udder. Per contra, this fragrance is really more that of fresh vanilla whipped cream. (Think dessert, not beverage.) It’s not too overpowering, just subtly sweet and solacing. It sort of leans toward buttercream frosting, but not quite as sugary. Philosophy actually has a “sweet creamy frosting” lotion that smells less like it than this -- too cinnamony. (The consistency of that lotion is also too thin, so don’t even go there.) The consistency of this butter is thick and soothing, yet not too heavy. I do have to say, my biggest criticism of philosophy would be that they come out with these wonderfully fabulous flavors in the bath & shower creams, but don’t often follow-up with a body butter. That’s just frustrating! I know some people appreciate the idea of having their scentsory experience end once they’ve stepped out of the bath, but I like it to continue all day. If I like a fragrance enough to use it in the shower, I want it with me ‘til once again the shower and I meet. That’s the only reason I don’t buy more philosophy products. (Well, and they’re not cheap.) But since this is the rare exception to that rule, for a smooth and subtle gratification that layers well with similar scents (what’s with the alliteration?) … 5 Stars.
*Product Review: philosophy fresh cream body butter
Speaking of philosophy … I was lucky enough to get the 7 oz. fresh cream body butter for $18 (reg. $25) on clearance a philosophy.com. Too bad for you, it’s no longer available there. This product is tough to find, but http://qvc.com/ has it in a combo with the 16 oz. shower gel (Item #A93105) for $36. (I’m actually looking forward to trying that.) Truth be told, I wasn’t actually brave enough to buy this until it went on sale. The name, fresh cream, initially turned me off, as I don’t particularly wanna smell like freshly-squeezed cow udder. Per contra, this fragrance is really more that of fresh vanilla whipped cream. (Think dessert, not beverage.) It’s not too overpowering, just subtly sweet and solacing. It sort of leans toward buttercream frosting, but not quite as sugary. Philosophy actually has a “sweet creamy frosting” lotion that smells less like it than this -- too cinnamony. (The consistency of that lotion is also too thin, so don’t even go there.) The consistency of this butter is thick and soothing, yet not too heavy. I do have to say, my biggest criticism of philosophy would be that they come out with these wonderfully fabulous flavors in the bath & shower creams, but don’t often follow-up with a body butter. That’s just frustrating! I know some people appreciate the idea of having their scentsory experience end once they’ve stepped out of the bath, but I like it to continue all day. If I like a fragrance enough to use it in the shower, I want it with me ‘til once again the shower and I meet. That’s the only reason I don’t buy more philosophy products. (Well, and they’re not cheap.) But since this is the rare exception to that rule, for a smooth and subtle gratification that layers well with similar scents (what’s with the alliteration?) … 5 Stars.
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